Some 500 places for orderlies and nursing assistants. This is the number of permanent positions in the Health Service of the Principality (Sespa) that the regional administration aims to offer in 2018. Out of this total amount, it was already planned to offer 153 positions for orderlies and 174 for nursing assistants, pending to call for public examination in the framework of the public employment offer (OPE) of 2016. Now the Health Service wants to add to these amounts a good part of the positions corresponding to the retirement replacement rate for 2016, up to a total of half a thousand.

There is little doubt that, with such figures, the corresponding examinations will bring together several thousand candidates. Since the organization and execution of these tests require greater infrastructure, the regional Ministry of Health has entrusted the management of these tests to the Instituto Adolfo Posada. In previous occasions, one of the chosen locations was the fairground Luis Adaro, in Gijón.

Health Service sources explained that these figures would be negotiated with the trade unions. The initial objective of the regional Ministry is that, under the replacement rate of 2016, 90-100 positions in each of the two categories above will be added to the proposed offer. The number of positions remaining under the same heading (up to a total of about 230) will be transferred to those professional categories with a higher temporariness rate.

On the other hand, the Health Administration plans to publish, in the second half of this year, the calls for public examinations for 66 positions for administrative assistants, 15 for cooks and 13 for midwives, all of them corresponding to the 2016 OPE.

In the category of practitioners, Sespa anticipates that all OPE examinations of specialist doctors that are underway will be carried out before the end of 2017. The details of the predictions are shown in the table that illustrates this information, which includes some slight modification in relation to that published by this newspaper last May 15th.

In total, there will be three blocks of public examinations for doctors, which bring together a total of 21 specialties, which will be executed after the summer. Maybe in the end there will be 20, because of a technical problem in the composition of the hospital pharmacy court. Another setback, resulting from an appeal, has led to the postponement of the second hospital pediatrics examination, which should have been held on 10th October and is likely to be postponed until September.

If the current predictions of the Health Administration were met, the medical public examinations would be finalized on 25th November. After the exams, comes the selection phase, which consists of assessing of the merits of the candidates.