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"Helicopter parents" raise frustrated and violent children, experts say

The increased number of teenagers who attack their parents is related to overprotection, which ends up making them feel useless

"They are children with a huge emotional unrest and with educational models that end up generating frustration, suffering and that leads to impulsive and violent behaviors in adolescence. 'Helicopter parents' overprotect children, do not let them have disappointments or failures, and when they grow up they feel useless and react". Luis Miguel Dos Santos Calvo is the psychologist coordinator of the extrajudicial mediation program of the Centro Trama, which assists children with family and social relationship problems. He confirms the statements made by the juvenile prosecutor, Jorge Fernández Caldevilla, saying that in recent years there have been cases of minors who abuse their parents. But he also warns: "although it is an important issue, it should not generate social alarm". Dos Santos, as spokesperson for the psychologists of Trama, explained that cases of parental abuse violence have their roots in upbringing. "There isn´t a unique and clear profile" of young people who attack their parents. Neither can it be related to a particular social class or a unique form of violence, which can be physical, verbal and/or psychological. Even all at once. An increasingly common case is that of a teenager who has grown up in an environment of overprotection.

?"They are known as 'helicopter parents', who come to quickly resolve the conflicts of their children. They do not let them develop in a natural way, facing the circumstances of each moment. They do not allow for disappointments, do not tolerate failures. When the children reach adolescence, they are frustrated because they do not have skills to face problems and life. Then they feel useless and blame it on who generated that feeling of little value", Dos Santos explained.

Parental abuse by children is an escalation and the cases that reach the Juvenile Prosecutor's Office are the most serious ones, those in which the situation is unsustainable. Behind, there are several kinds of stories. Psychologists have identified them with family models. There are those young people who have been adopted when they were children and who have previously suffered a "very traumatic upbringing" that the new family has not been able to cope with because "basically they have not been taught to do so". The problems are aggravated during the adolescence. "There are also children who have undergone migratory processes; after years separated from their parents, when they regroup, they end up exposing their anger and lack of affective bonding. Another profile is that of the teenager whose parents separated when he/she was a child and they used him/her as a bone of contention against each other. And there are also teenagers who have suffered a chronic disease in their environment that has limited them and due to which the whole family has been damaged.

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