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"Quini is dying!"

Francisco Javier Camba and Raúl Domínguez, the two policemen who helped El Brujo in his car, describe the stress they lived: "It's like finding the King"

It was the most bittersweet work they have done so far. At least, the one that caused the greatest sense of unease due to its tragic outcome and what the death of Quini supposed for the supporters. Francisco Javier Camba Junco and Raúl Domínguez Granja - agents of the National Police Force in Gijón - were the first to assist Enrique Castro González last Tuesday. He was the general idol, the one who they had had the opportunity to meet while he was alive. Their knowledge of first aid, even praised by the health professionals, managed to get him out of the cardiorespiratory arrest once, but the serious injuries he suffered made the miracle impossible. Quini was dead. The result of that match was undeniable.

February 27th ended in Gijón as another cold winter day. Francisco Javier Camba and Raúl Domínguez, who have been patrolling the city together for five years, were going along Avenida de Juan Carlos I, which begins in the neighbourhood of El Natahoyo, very close to their police station. While they were getting to the end of the road, just fifty meters away, they saw how a car invaded the left lane, went to the sidewalk and stopped at the curb. The first thing they thought was that another vehicle had crashed against it from behind and that the driver had been forced to park the car. But the story was very different.

The agents got out of their car to see what had happened because the car was blocking the traffic. A lady who passed by told them about the situation: "Something must have happened to the driver, because he does not answer", the witness warned. They opened the door and saw a man lying on the wheel. It was El Brujo, they knew it at once, and he had suffered a heart attack.

"Hurry up, it's Quini", the two colleagues, who yesterday told LA NUEVA ESPAÑA all the tension accumulated in a few minutes of police intervention, rushed each other. "It's like finding the King," they reflected, aware of the magnitude of the support they provided. Camba run off towards the police car "to call for an emergency ambulance by radio and to take a blanket to put it on the floor," he recalls. Meanwhile, Raúl Domínguez unfastened Quini's seatbelt and, with great care, pulled him out of the car. He was still alive.

"I felt the pulse in his neck, which is where it should be felt, and he had very few pulsations until they suddenly stopped", Raúl Domínguez recalls. "Come here, come here, he's gone!" He shouted to his colleague. Quini had suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest. It was the first one. Quickly, the two police officers began the resuscitation massage, each in one position. In a city with a population as old as the living in Gijón, the first aid knowledge of the agents have saved many lives.

In a minute, they managed to make Quini recover. "It went well, he opened his eyes, he was breathing but he did not speak," says Camba, who also alludes, muttering, to that first emotion they felt for what they thought it was a resuscitation success. That's how Quini was for a couple of minutes, until he suffered another arrest. "Where is the ambulance? Quini is dying right here!" the agents shouted at their intercoms. They were still practising resuscitation when the ambulance arrived, together with his daughter Lorena, who lives very near to the place of the accident. Everything happened in a few minutes. Then the health professionals continued with the resuscitation inside the ambulance. They had been warned that the situation was very serious and their fears were finally true. Quini had died despite the remarkable efforts made by all those who tried to write another ending to the story.

When the outcome was unavoidable, Quini´s children, who were already there, thanked Francisco Javier and Raúl for everything they had done. They all had missed another miracle by El Brujo.

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